The existence and history of the founding of the Google Company

Google Inc. Is the most famous US company, Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) was founded on September 7, 1998 by two friends named Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, met accidentally at Stanford University in 1995. Unintentional Meetings, the two founders of Google are often involved in discussions long. Both have different opinions and views that are often involved in the debate. However, differences in their thinking have resulted in a unique approach in solving one of the biggest challenges in the computer world. That is, the problem of how to recover data from massive data sets. In January 1996, Larry and Sergey began collaborating on the creation of a search engine called BackRub. A year later, their unique approach to network analysis enhanced BackRub's reputation. New tech news search engines spread directly on campus.Larry and Sergey continued to refine Google technology throughout early 1998. Both are also beginning to look for investors to develop their technological sophistication.

The name Google was born because of "accident". The history of Google comes from a project done by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1996. Both graduate students at Stanford University collaborated on developing a search engine called BackRub that operated using servers on their campus. In 1997 Larry and Sergey changed the name BackRub to Googol. "Googol" is the mathematical term for number 1 followed by 100 zeros. This name is taken to describe Google's mission as a warehouse of unlimited information on the internet. However, the investor appears to be misspelled by the Google Googol name, and has written it in the check. It makes Brin and Page finally "stuck" using the Google name for their search engine.

Currently Google is a leading company in the top 100 companies in America, with approximately 10,000 employees.

The investment from Andy became a dilemma. Larry and Sergey are unlikely to provide a check as long as there is no legal institution called Google. Therefore, the two founders of Google's back to work hard to find an investment. They are looking for donors from family, friends, and colleagues to collect about $ 1 million. And finally, the Google company could stand on September 7, 1998 and officially opened in Menlo Park, California

Google's mission is "to gather the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." Google's philosophy includes slogans such as "Do not be evil", and "Work must come and challenge it to please", which describes a relaxed corporate culture.

Google is one of the most popular search engines on the web and receives at least 200 million daily search requests through its clients' websites and websites such as American Online (AOL). Google headquarters are located (at "Googleplex") in Mountain View, California.Google is becoming popular with Internet users because of its simple design and 'clean' and relevant search results. Ads are sold with keywords so that the ads become more relevant to users, and they are required to use text just to keep the page design in order and load pages quickly. The concept of selling keyword-based ads begins with Overture, formerly At a time when most other dotcom companies go bankrupt, Google quietly reinforces its influence and makes a profit.

Google Search - Google is widely known for its web search service, which is a big factor of the company's success. In August 2007, Google was the most used search engine on the web with 53.6% market share, Yahoo! (19.9%) and Live Search (12.9%). Google has billions of web pages, so users can search the information they want, through the use of keywords and operators. Google has also used Web Search technology in other search services, including Image Find price comparison sites, Google News, Google Product Search, more Usenet Google Groups archives, Google Maps and more.

Google Head Office is: 1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View CA 94043 (Address that often appears when payment already exist or Google Adsense payment report) Currently Google has inaugurated branch office in Indonesia on Friday, March 30, 2012 in: Cyber ​​?? 2 Tower Road HR Rasuna Kata Block X-5 Kuningan, South Jakarta. For now, Google is a global search engine and company with the success it has achieved, it is now proven Google has branch offices in various countries around the world such as: USA, Europe, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark and more.

The company is expected to operate more than one million servers in multiple data centers around the world and process over one billion search queries and about 24 user-made data maps each day. In December 2012, Alexa calls the most visited site in the world. Google sites in other languages ​​are ranked in the top 100, as well as Google-owned sites like YouTube and Blogger. Google ranks second in BrandZ's brand equity database. Its market dominance attracts criticism about copyright, censorship, and privacy. In 2014, Google also gained recognition from Business Insider as the company that owns the most valuable brands.

On August 10, 2015, Google through a blog post, Google CEO Larry Page announced the creation of a new company called Alphabet that would become a parent company including Google and other businesses that are not so closely tied to Google's main business. Under the restructuring, Larry Page will be the new company's Alphabet CEO. Sergey Brinn served as President who was accompanied by Erich Schmidt as Executive Chairman. Meanwhile, Google CEO will be held by Sundar Pichai.

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